Tongkat Ali Coffee 玛卡东革阿里白咖啡(包邮)

* Operating Hours 12pm - 2am *


让男人换上 #核武器 疯狂6大体验‼️
🔺 勃起迅速
🔺 超强延时
🔺 增大增粗
🔺 出现晨勃
🔺 激情更high
🔺 更安全

Tongkat Ali White Coffee 是纯植物萃取

Tongkat Ali White Coffee is a coffee extracted from pure natural plants with health benefits👍🏻
It can strengthen your system, let you rise, and help you find the best shape of a man 💪🏻
Enjoy a high-quality life😎

Let you put on #power weapons for 6 crazy experiences‼ ️
🔺 Rapid erection
🔺 Super delay
🔺 Increase and thicken
🔺 Morning erection appears
🔺 Passion is higher
🔺 Safer

Tongkat Ali White Coffee is pure plant extract
✅No side effects
✅No dependency

成份: 阿拉比卡咖啡粉, 奶精, 白砂糖, 麦芽糖精, 脱脂奶粉, 玛卡提取物, 东哥阿里提取物

Ingredient: Arabica coffee powder, Non-dairy creamer, sugar, maitodestrin, skim milk powder, maca extract powder, tongkat ali extract poder

如何饮用: 用热水(约150毫升)混合, 搅拌均匀后饮用。
Direction: Mix the content with hot water (Approx 150ml), stir and consume.

From :Tongkat Ali Coffee pure natural plants with health benefits It can strengthen your system, let you rise, and help you find the best shape of a man Enjoy a high-quality life玛卡东革阿里白咖啡 纯天然植物萃取含保健功效的咖啡 可以增强您的体制,让您雄起,帮助你找到男人的最佳状态 享受高品质的生活
Services :Ubat Kuat
RM 180 (1 box 10 sachets for 8 weeks usage)